"thoughts become your results and the great thing about thoughts is that they are optional."

Do you have a healthy thought life?

Join us as we explore how thoughts affect our success and life coaching for first responders and their families with Don Pemberton of First Responder Coaching.  

Don Pemberton is a 4th generation firefighter who has 22 years of first responder experience. He started his career in the San Francisco Bay Area, but now is a firefighter/ paramedic for the Henderson Fire Department in the Las Vegas Valley.

The First Responder Coaching Company is composed of 35 coaches across the nation of current, retired, and spouses of first responders who have received extensive coach training. Coaching sessions can be purchased individually and by organizations that wish to foster a positive, proactive approach to mental health.

This year Don became a certified life coach who specializes in supporting first responders and their families to become the best they can be on the job and at home. He is passionate about the health and safety of first responders and their families.  Don’s grandfather took his life after 25 years of fire service experience, and in September of 2019, a firefighter at the Henderson Fire Department took his own life as well.

Books mentioned on the show:

The Power Of Now by Eckhart Toll

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Follow Don:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/firstresponderlifecoach/

website: https://1strespondercoaching.org/