Lisa Yu has always dreamed of being a writer and publishing books. She has a master's degree in Elementary Education and taught kindergarten and first grade for 6 years before becoming a full-time mom. She believes in treating children with respect and dignity, and embracing their curiosity of the world. They should be given the facts and guided to understand the world around them, for one day they will be adults. She feels passionately about sharing this message and hopes that her books will make a positive impact on children and their families.

Lisa's husband is a career firefighter and is often gone for long stretches of time. When their son turned one and a half he began to realize that his daddy left for long periods of time and then returned, but what one and half year old truly understands the concept of time or where his daddy went? He would cry and didn't understand that Daddy was coming back soon.  they talked to him about what Daddy does; that he drives fire trucks and helps people in need, and that Daddy loves them very much and will be back soon. After much repetition, he started to understand.

Lisa realized there was a problem that needed a solution and then "My Parent's Job Children's Series" was born!

The goal of My Parent's Job Children's Series is to showcase jobs and explain them on a level a child can understand. The books are meant to bridge the gap faster in a child's understanding of why a parent leaves for an extended period of time to go to work, (especially where professions keep parents away at night), and what they are doing during that duration.  It is expressed in a way where a child feels proud of their parent, and come to an understanding that it's something they must do, while loving them all the while.

These books can also a resource for  families, schools, or anyone who may want to teach their children about a profession even though they may not live it.

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