When you hear “firefighter” what comes to mind? A cute guy climbing a tall ladder to rescue a kitten? Maybe a guy with a mustache + ash covered fire helmet, staring straight into your soul. That’s how society sees them.

When we think of our firefighters, we think of grueling hours + selfless acts, all in the name of duty. When we hear “firefighter”, I immediately think of their family.  We think of the days they spend away from home. We think of their partner who often holds down the fort solo. The constant interruption to schedules and routines for their kids. The way their partner feels like they have to take a back seat.

They’re everyone’s hero, but are you theirs?

In this episode Audra + Chelsi address the way that society views firefighters, uncomfortable experiences that they've had with other women flirting with their husbands when they were in uniform, and answer some of your random questions and put themselves on the hotseat. This is a must listen for sure!