First Responders are very good at playing the role of a hero at work, but oftentimes, take on the role of an anti-hero at home. We've touched a little on infidelity in past podcasts, but today we want to dive in deeper. In this episode, we explore how and why infidelity and divorce are so prevalent in the first responder world, how it can be prevented/avoided, and the first steps in reconciliation if it happens. We are joined by Gus Stuart a Fire Chaplain in Northern Nevada.

Gus Stuart is a Fire Chaplain in the Northern Nevada area. He has been in Public Safety since 2003. He works in multiple roles throughout the Public Safety Community including Firefighter, Paramedic, Instructor, Tactical Paramedic, HazMat Technician, Technical Rescue Technician, Water Rescue Technician, and more. In the capacity of Fire Chaplain, he works with public safety members and their families to help overcome different, difficult things faced by the many who serve within the public safety community, including the families and friends of the firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and police officers of the community. He works in Critical Incident Stress Management, and also works with personnel on building better families, repairing families after different traumas and other forms of damage, and more!

Contact Gus: [email protected]

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