We sat down with Alex Jabr of Emergency Resilience during a previous episode  and discussed Administrative Betrayal and Occupational Resilience in EMS. During the interview, Alex asked us what we thought was needed to support families in the fire service, and we all came to the conclusion that no one ever asks the families, so we decided it was time to step up and the Firefighter Significant Other Survey was born.

The purpose of the survey was to better understand the needs of families in the fire service and learn about what advantages/disadvantages there are to being in a committed relationship with a firefighter. Our intent was to learn how to better serve our listeners, followers and the fire service as a whole.

In this episode, we had the opportunity to sit down again with Alex and discuss the responses to the survey.

*This survey, the questions, or the answers are solely the opinion of the individual respondents and do not represent any specific agency*

Learn MOre about Alex and Emergency Resilience by visiting her linktree at https://linktr.ee/emergencyresilience or find her on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/emergencyresilience/

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