In this episode, we delve into the profound journey of Davin Cole, a retired lieutenant with over thirty years of experience in law enforcement in the San Francisco Bay Area. Davin's career spanned various roles, from Field Training Officer to K9 Officer and Trainer, each presenting its own challenges and rewards.

However, Davin's story takes a dramatic turn as he opens up about his battle with addiction. A debilitating on-duty injury became the catalyst for a decades-long struggle with prescription pain medication and alcohol addiction. Despite his decorated career, Davin found himself trapped in the grip of substance abuse, facing a personal crisis that overshadowed his years of service.

But Davin's story doesn't end there. With resilience and determination, he embarked on a journey of recovery that ultimately led him to a place of sobriety and purpose. Now, Davin has transformed his experiences into a powerful platform for advocacy, shining a light on addiction and mental wellness within the law enforcement community.

In this episode, Davin candidly shares the highs and lows of his journey, offering insight into the unique pressures first responders face and the often-overlooked toll it can take on their mental health. Through his raw and honest account, Davin aims to educate, inspire, and offer solidarity to those silently struggling with similar challenges.

Join us as we explore Davin Cole's remarkable transition from badge to battle and discover the resilience and hope that can emerge from even the darkest struggles.

Books Mentioned During This Episode

Relentless Courage by Michael Sugrue:

Recovery by Russell Brand:

Follow Davin


email:  contactdavincoleATgmailDOTcom