We are all guilty of overworking ourselves, feeling anxious, putting ourselves down, and focusing on all the negatives about ourselves. What if instead we chose to look at the positives in each situation and focused on what makes up feel the most inspired, happy, and fulfilled? Wow, I like the sound of that.

Mark Twain said, "the two most important days of your life are the day you are born, and the day you find your way." In this episode, I converse with Alejandro Navia Mejia, who was kicked out of Harvard after falsely being accused of plagiarism. He is now a Master Life Coach and dedicates his life to helping others find their 'what' and their 'why'. Alejandro refers to himself as, "a burnt-out entrepreneur" as he talks about the toll that extreme hustle took on him mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

Eventually, he discovered his love for helping and being of service to others and has started a business that helps others live up to their full potential and uncover what they were put on this earth to do. So often we fall victim to our jobs and enslave ourselves in one thing or another. Allowing this to happen eliminates the balance necessary to live and practice a healthy lifestyle and takes a huge toll on our mental health and well being, in turn making less productive and more miserable in the long run.

I am working every day to figure out what my 'what' and my 'why' are. Here are some books talked about in the show that can help with self-development, critical thinking, the pursuit of one's purpose, and so much more:

The Leader Who Had No Title, by Robin Sharma
As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen
The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl

Follow Alejandro:

Instagram: @naviafactor
Website: https://alejandronavia.org/

Follow Dom:

Instagram: @dayswith_dom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Days-With-Dom-Podcast-106260177762140
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