Looking for a more potent way to connect with people? Whether it’s with your potential customers, your team, or your family, investor-turned-operator Brent Chudoba believes that creating a personalized video is a powerful way to do so. Brent is the CEO of Biteable, a platform that empowers its people to engage and grow their audience using video. Before taking his post at Biteable, Brent served as Chief Operating Officer of PicMonkey and Chief Revenue Officer of SurveyMonkey. A father of three young boys, Brent has also leveraged video to create little messages for his children and to connect with his team all over the world.

Brent joins me today to discuss the power of videos in delivering messages and impacting people. He explains what makes videos an effective medium for large companies and small businesses alike and describes how video content has become an essential asset for entrepreneurs. He shares some of the most creative ways individuals have used Biteable, from an HR professional wanting to thank healthcare workers to a woman who used the platform to build her resume. He also highlights the capacity of video to connect with people and underscores the importance of protecting time for the most important things in life.

“Keeping everyone aligned, motivated, and feeling like they’re part of a team is important. Doing it with a personalized video means a lot more than an email.” - Brent Chudoba

This week on Rock Star Principles:

What the “freemium” business model is and Brent’s vision for Biteable The power of video content in reaching customers and delivering a message How Biteable helps its users bring out their creativity Biteable’s plans to incorporate AI to help users create videos How a hospital used Biteable to deliver a message of gratitude to frontline workers The time limit on Biteable videos and the average attention span of human beings How a woman used Biteable videos as an educational asset for children The power of playing the “Three Good Things” game and the importance of protecting time for the things that truly matter

Connect with Brent Chudoba:

Brent Chudoba Website Biteable Biteable on LinkedIn Biteable on Instagram Biteable on Facebook Biteable on Twitter Biteable on YouTube Biteable on Pinterest Biteable on Tiktok Brent Chudoba on LinkedIn Brent Chudoba on Twitter

101 Ways to Rock LinkedIn

If 2020 has shown us anything, it's that our virtual business is so important. And that means you need a kickass profile on LinkedIn. 101 Ways to Rock LinkedIn - the updated edition by Viveka von Rosen will teach you how to rock your personal brand, grow your network, and grow your business.

101 Ways to Rock LinkedIn, the updated edition by Viveka von Rosen is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback. Grab your copy today.

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