In the fourth episode, Senior Strategic Advisor and Special Advisor at mTab and Behaviorally, Crispin Beale walks through three trends in insights culture that he wishes to banish away forever. He describes each of the three and offers his opinion on how we could solve these irksome problems in the insights world. The main pet peeves Crispin describes are: acronyms, the abuse of artificial intelligence, and silo mentality. For each of the three pet peeves, Crispin describes his own experience and offers reasons why the world of market research would be better without these banes.

Key Quotes:

“I do find I get my best ideas for clients when I’m out walking the dog.” (3:20)“I loved the ability to look at different problems and figure out what customers really wanted.” (5:30)“If we’ve made one child’s life better, that’s what matters.” (8:00)“For me, it was a valuable lesson—always check the data. If you have a poor sample, you can make decisions that can lead you astray.” (12:30)“We sort of create this language, and this code, and this secrecy around our industry.” (14:30)“People think that someone who is talking in plain language comes across as more intelligent than someone who’s using all these acronyms and jargon.” (16:45)“It’s up to us to change it if we want to move toward plain language.” (18:30)“I think A.I. can help, but it can never replace human capital.” (20:30)“I think the kind of macho culture of flying around the world has proven to be unnecessary during the pandemic.” (29:45)

Key Topics: 

How Crispin got into farming. (02:25)Crispin accidentally gets into marketing. (4:00)Highlights from Crispin’s career. (6:45)One funny story from Crispin’s journeys. (9:00)Item 1: Crispin elects acronyms to be banished forever—from every industry. (13:45)People will think you’re smarter if you speak plainly. (15:00)Item 2: The idea that artificial intelligence will solve all our problems. (20:00)Item 3: Crispin banishes silo mentality. (24:15)The issue of sustainability and the climate crisis. (27:00)We can operate in a slightly different way to protect the planet. (31:00)Banishing silo mentality forever. (35:00)

About - Crispin Beale:

A marketing, data, and customer experience expert, Crispin has served as CEO and board member at a whole host of companies across the UK. He’s even launched companies of his own and helped them turn their losses into profits. He’s an evidence junkie and is thrilled to make connections in the data. And somehow, Crispin also finds the time to tend to his llama, geese, and guinea fowl at his farm in North Downs.

Relevant Links:

Crispin’s LinkedIn.mTab - Visit website here


The Day One podcast is published by the Day One Strategy and produced by Zorbiant.

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