In the third episode, Kantar’s global CEO of Profiles - Caroline Frankum walks through three trends in insights culture that she despises. She describes each of the three and offers guidance toward how we could actually solve these marketing problems. The main pet peeves Caroline describes are the tendency to use old words to define a new world, the problem of impostor syndrome, and panel commoditization. For each of the three pet peeves, Caroline describes her own experience and offers reasons why the world of market research would be better without these evils.

Key Quotes:

“That was my first introduction to the power of data.” (5:00)“We have a very important role in shaping society.” (5:45)“Hard work is never wasted.” (6:45)“If we are rigorously authentic about the world and what it looks like from a diverse perspective, people will feel empowered to want to share their stories.” (14:20)“We all have to fundamentally ask if the data we are collecting truly represents the world.” (16:00)“What you do need is to have the confidence to be visible.” (17:45)“Failing fast helps you learn even faster.” (22:50)“Panelists like having their voices being heard.” (30:00)“Men feel like they are blamed while women feel like they need fixing.” (35:00)

Key Topics: 

How Caroline started in the research and insights field. (3:40)How Caroline broke the glass ceiling to the C-suite. (6:15)The fact that we need more inclusion and diversity in the highest levels of leadership. (8:10)The disarming importance of humor. (10:45)Banishing old words for a new world. (12:30)Throwing away impostor syndrome. (16:15)How leadership and learning go hand in hand. (19:00)Places where Caroline experienced impostor syndrome herself. (20:45)Banishing the way the market research industry prioritizes panelists. (28:00)Caroline makes her choice. (33:45)

About - Caroline Frankum:

Caroline Frankum is the Global Chief Executive Officer of Profiles at Kantar. Her biggest passion is helping businesses to grow into more inclusive and equitable versions of themselves. She holds herself accountable for women and the disenfranchised in the corporate world. She is a champion of women in leadership, and she boasts many awards and great recognition for her achievements in workplace equality.

Relevant Links:

Caroline’s LinkedIn.

The Day One podcast is published by the Day One Strategy and produced by Zorbiant.

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