Previous Episode: Poise for thought
Next Episode: Disappointment Sucks

Good morning, good day, good evening, wherever in the world you are, this is David Sammel with a new nugget. Today I'm going to talk about the fact that everything passes. Nothing is permanent. Think about it in your history, the good things, and the bad things. Nothing lasts forever. So, you can have some wonderful things happen to you, and they pass. And then you can have some negative things happen to you and they too pass, nothing is permanent.
We've all heard the saying, if you don't plan, plan to fail. And whilst there is truth in this, there is also an element of chance to it. So, if you plan, and you have a long term plan, you will keep heading towards it. However, you may not land up where you thought you would, because whilst you're working towards these plans, life happens. And life doesn't always happen and in fact, mostly doesn't happen exactly as we plan it. I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't dream plan, and work towards goals, because I think it's very important that that we have direction. But at the same time, when it's not going according to plan, there's no need to panic, because that time will pass. And there's a chance that you'll get back on plan, or your life will take a different direction that you actually like, and can work towards new goals.
And if it's something that turns in a direction that you don't like, of course, it's in your hands to change that direction again. And therefore, it is really important when things aren't going well to kind of breathe, breathe in, breathe out and try to relax about it, stay cool about it, and calm about it. Because whatever difficulty it is, it will pass and all wars come to an end. Everything in life, including different civilizations have come to an end and species even come to an end. So, you know, what I'm basically saying is, make your plans, have your goals, have your dreams, go after them but also remember that it is part of the process of maybe or maybe not achieving the goals but nobody achieves all of their goals, that's just impossible.
Enjoy the process as much as you can. And when things get very sticky remember that it will pass and the good times will happen again. Hope this helps in a small way. And thanks very much.
And remember if you're really enjoying these nuggets, and you know I'm starting to get some good comments, which is really appreciated, please pass it on and share and I'll speak to you next week.

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Good morning, good day, good evening, wherever in the world you are, this is David Sammel with a new nugget. Today I'm going to talk about the fact that everything passes. Nothing is permanent. Think about it in your history, the good things, and the bad things. Nothing lasts forever. So, you can have some wonderful things happen to you, and they pass. And then you can have some negative things happen to you and they too pass, nothing is permanent.

We've all heard the saying, if you don't plan, plan to fail. And whilst there is truth in this, there is also an element of chance to it. So, if you plan, and you have a long term plan, you will keep heading towards it. However, you may not land up where you thought you would, because whilst you're working towards these plans, life happens. And life doesn't always happen and in fact, mostly doesn't happen exactly as we plan it. I'm not saying at all that you shouldn't dream plan, and work towards goals, because I think it's very important that that we have direction. But at the same time, when it's not going according to plan, there's no need to panic, because that time will pass. And there's a chance that you'll get back on plan, or your life will take a different direction that you actually like, and can work towards new goals.

And if it's something that turns in a direction that you don't like, of course, it's in your hands to change that direction again. And therefore, it is really important when things aren't going well to kind of breathe, breathe in, breathe out and try to relax about it, stay cool about it, and calm about it. Because whatever difficulty it is, it will pass and all wars come to an end. Everything in life, including different civilizations have come to an end and species even come to an end. So, you know, what I'm basically saying is, make your plans, have your goals, have your dreams, go after them but also remember that it is part of the process of maybe or maybe not achieving the goals but nobody achieves all of their goals, that's just impossible.

Enjoy the process as much as you can. And when things get very sticky remember that it will pass and the good times will happen again. Hope this helps in a small way. And thanks very much.

And remember if you're really enjoying these nuggets, and you know I'm starting to get some good comments, which is really appreciated, please pass it on and share and I'll speak to you next week.

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