Good morning, good day, good evening, wherever in the world you are. This is David coming to you from New York after a disappointing tournament for Liam, and that's the subject of this week's nugget. Basically, how to get over terrible disappointment. Disappointment happens to everybody. And whilst it's easy to say think positive and just carrying on, I think it's important to actually acknowledge disappointment and that sometimes it really does hurt badly, like you want to turn the clock back and have another chance. When things that you work hard for, and strive for a goal that doesn’t turn out it can temporarily be crushing and demoralizing.
The important thing, though, is that, once over the initial shock of missing out find someone you trust and understands what it means to you and talk through your disappointment, which from personal experience I have found helps.
So often the seeds for what you must do next germinate from this ‘venting’. As soon as you have something tangible to do, start to immediately to plan for the next step, because ultimately, it is very rare, where a goal that is not met, cannot be gone after again.
Obviously, if you can't go after the goal again, and it's just totally done, it can be temporarily pretty much devastating. But in devastation, comes renewal, renewed thinking, and again, looking for the next thing that you can aim for. The reality is in life we all set goals and have dreams and some people are very fortunate, and I don't mean lucky in the sense that they don't work hard for things but that they have a talent that combined with huge desire and all the work, they attain many goals and many dreams.
All of us can attain dreams to a greater or lesser extent, but not everybody is and can be prolific. Even those who attain many dreams, achieve almost everything that they set out to achieve, will have misses and disappointments.
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Good morning, good day, good evening, wherever in the world you are. This is David coming to you from New York after a disappointing tournament for Liam, and that's the subject of this week's nugget. Basically, how to get over terrible disappointment. Disappointment happens to everybody. And whilst it's easy to say think positive and just carrying on, I think it's important to actually acknowledge disappointment and that sometimes it really does hurt badly, like you want to turn the clock back and have another chance. When things that you work hard for, and strive for a goal that doesn’t turn out it can temporarily be crushing and demoralizing.

The important thing, though, is that, once over the initial shock of missing out find someone you trust and understands what it means to you and talk through your disappointment, which from personal experience I have found helps.

So often the seeds for what you must do next germinate from this ‘venting’. As soon as you have something tangible to do, start to immediately to plan for the next step, because ultimately, it is very rare, where a goal that is not met, cannot be gone after again.

Obviously, if you can't go after the goal again, and it's just totally done, it can be temporarily pretty much devastating. But in devastation, comes renewal, renewed thinking, and again, looking for the next thing that you can aim for. The reality is in life we all set goals and have dreams and some people are very fortunate, and I don't mean lucky in the sense that they don't work hard for things but that they have a talent that combined with huge desire and all the work, they attain many goals and many dreams.

All of us can attain dreams to a greater or lesser extent, but not everybody is and can be prolific. Even those who attain many dreams, achieve almost everything that they set out to achieve, will have misses and disappointments.

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