Good morning, good afternoon. Good evening, wherever in the world you are. This is David Sammel with another nugget. I'm coming to you from the mini paradise of Riverside, Connecticut, where I've been enjoying some family time which has been a a bonus. The downside being that Liam couldn’t qualify for the US Open, which was somewhat disappointing. But it gives me this family time, which is highly enjoyable.
Anyway, I'm going to talk to you about life happening so just get on with it. My take on it is that I've gott a lot better at understanding life when I realised that humans love solving problems that they like, crosswords, Wordle, games, puzzles, figuring out how things work, inventions to solve problems. All of these are problems of choice that we absolutely love. However, life is a problem machine and, in my programme, mindset college, I delve deep into the subject. But suffice to say that every day we wake up, problems come our way, some invited, some not.
When I realised that it's possible to tackle uninvited problems with the same attitude as invited problems, I stopped moaning about them, and decided to accept them as part of life and that they will always exist. Who has ever had the pleasure of sending things back that are faulty or having to deal with bad service or having to fight a shoddy workman to come back and redo a bad job, or even find new workmen and have has wasted money on a problem that could have been solved easily if you'd gotten the right person in the first place. Finding the right people is often a problem to solve. These are often seemingly unnecessary problems that we must fight and solve. But the thing is, because life is a problem machine, I had to get rid of two fantasies.

Why does this always happen to me, and always seems to happen more to me than to other people, which is just a myth. And these things when you speak to people actually happen all the time to everybody. Many people feel like they're personally singled out for an extra dose of this stuff. And it's just a myth.

The other myth is that one day, you know, I'll be rich enough or know enough of the right people that almost all these problems will be avoided or feature less than in my life. The reality is, especially if you travel problems come up all the time like delays, baggage disappearing, all sorts of things in travel, which before I used to rant about and think, why is this happening now, and I'm not going to get a decent night's sleep at two in the morning, rather than 11 at night, all of these things actually just are part of life and problems that come up that you just have to solve and deal with, and get on with it.

Sometimes the problems we face can be incredibly unfair, but that is life. We must accept that life is not always fair. However, for many of us, we are very privileged and have less life threatening, life comforts or life dangers to deal with for which we can be extremely grateful.

Do what you can to help where you can. A fantastic exercise to try is to pick a day where you catch yourself and stop yourself from moaning or complaining about any routine life problems that come up. If you can do this, more and more, you'll find you begin start to really relax into them, and just say, I’ve got to deal with it, so just get on with these daily problems.
Whilst we can choose many of the problems to solve, we can choose to be relaxed and stoic about the unnecessary problems that come with life and sometimes these trivial problems give us a good laugh or it's a good story to tell afterwards. Sometimes the problem can lead you to meet somebody who you would never have met, which can be very life enriching. Basically, life happens, embrace it, the good and the bad and try to have an attitude that says, I'm going to be accepting of daily hassle and remain relaxed about most problems. Thanks - Hope that helps.

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Good morning, good afternoon. Good evening, wherever in the world you are. This is David Sammel with another nugget. I'm coming to you from the mini paradise of Riverside, Connecticut, where I've been enjoying some family time which has been a a bonus. The downside being that Liam couldn’t qualify for the US Open, which was somewhat disappointing. But it gives me this family time, which is highly enjoyable.

Anyway, I'm going to talk to you about life happening so just get on with it. My take on it is that I've gott a lot better at understanding life when I realised that humans love solving problems that they like, crosswords, Wordle, games, puzzles, figuring out how things work, inventions to solve problems. All of these are problems of choice that we absolutely love. However, life is a problem machine and, in my programme, mindset college, I delve deep into the subject. But suffice to say that every day we wake up, problems come our way, some invited, some not.

When I realised that it's possible to tackle uninvited problems with the same attitude as invited problems, I stopped moaning about them, and decided to accept them as part of life and that they will always exist. Who has ever had the pleasure of sending things back that are faulty or having to deal with bad service or having to fight a shoddy workman to come back and redo a bad job, or even find new workmen and have has wasted money on a problem that could have been solved easily if you'd gotten the right person in the first place. Finding the right people is often a problem to solve. These are often seemingly unnecessary problems that we must fight and solve. But the thing is, because life is a problem machine, I had to get rid of two fantasies.

Why does this always happen to me, and always seems to happen more to me than to other people, which is just a myth. And these things when you speak to people actually happen all the time to everybody. Many people feel like they're personally singled out for an extra dose of this stuff. And it's just a myth.
The other myth is that one day, you know, I'll be rich enough or know enough of the right people that almost all these problems will be avoided or feature less than in my life. The reality is, especially if you travel problems come up all the time like delays, baggage disappearing, all sorts of things in travel, which before I used to rant about and think, why is this happening now, and I'm not going to get a decent night's sleep at two in the morning, rather than 11 at night, all of these things actually just are part of life and problems that come up that you just have to solve and deal with, and get on with it.
Sometimes the problems we face can be incredibly unfair, but that is life. We must accept that life is not always fair. However, for many of us, we are very privileged and have less life threatening, life comforts or life dangers to deal with for which we can be extremely grateful.

Do what you can to help where you can. A fantastic exercise to try is to pick a day where you catch yourself and stop yourself from moaning or complaining about any routine life problems that come up. If you can do this, more and more, you'll find you begin start to really relax into them, and just say, I’ve got to deal with it, so just get on with these daily problems.

Whilst we can choose many of the problems to solve, we can choose to be relaxed and stoic about the unnecessary problems that come with life and sometimes these trivial problems give us a good laugh or it's a good story to tell afterwards. Sometimes the problem can lead you to meet somebody who you would never have met, which can be very life enriching. Basically, life happens, embrace it, the good and the bad and try to have an attitude that says, I'm going to be accepting of daily hassle and remain relaxed about most problems. Thanks - Hope that helps.

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