Good morning, good day, good afternoon, wherever in the world you are. Today, I'm going to talk to you about poise, poise for thought. If somebody has good poise, it means that they're basically look calm under pressure. How do people with poise do this?
Well, one of the important things, I believe, is that we need to resist the urge to reply immediately to a question or say something immediately when someone else has spoken. It is important to think before you speak, yet, we're so used to automated responses that we tend to talk before we think, and a good habit, especially in an important conversation, is to resist the urge to reply instantly.
State, something like this. Give me a minute to think about what you've said, this is perfectly understandable. And you don't need to be rushed. You need to own your own space, and not allow people to rush you into answers. You can if you're not quite sure of exactly what they've said, you can say, could you explain further? Or let me see if I understand you correctly, what you're saying is, and then you repeat what they've said, to make sure that you do understand exactly what they've said. So my understanding of what you said is, and then you can clarify, which also gives you time to think about the answer that you'd like to respond with. So overall poise for thought, is taking that little bit of time to think, to understand, and then to respond effectively, and respond with what you really want to say, given some thought. We've all watched movies and see how amazing the the rhetoric is, and movies. But of course, these are lines that are learned. And then we all think, oh, wow, if only I could be that quick. Well, the reality is, very few people are always that quick. In fact, nobody's always that quick. So when we need time, we need to take the time so that we're not always saying to ourselves, ah, if I only thought about this, I'd only thought about that, I would have said this or that. Take the time in the moment to think about what you really want to say. And it doesn't matter. There's no rush. You know, this urge to fill, the space of silence is so strong within all of us. And if we can learn to resist that urge, we will have poise for thought. Thanks very much. And again, please subscribe, follow what ever you would like to do. And any feedback is always welcome. And if there's any topics that you'd like to hear about, please reach out to me, David at mindset and let me know your thoughts. Thank you

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Good morning, good day, good afternoon, wherever in the world you are. Today, I'm going to talk to you about poise, poise for thought. If somebody has good poise, it means that they're basically look calm under pressure. How do people with poise do this?

Well, one of the important things, I believe, is that we need to resist the urge to reply immediately to a question or say something immediately when someone else has spoken. It is important to think before you speak, yet, we're so used to automated responses that we tend to talk before we think, and a good habit, especially in an important conversation, is to resist the urge to reply instantly.

State, something like this. Give me a minute to think about what you've said, this is perfectly understandable. And you don't need to be rushed. You need to own your own space, and not allow people to rush you into answers. You can if you're not quite sure of exactly what they've said, you can say, could you explain further? Or let me see if I understand you correctly, what you're saying is, and then you repeat what they've said, to make sure that you do understand exactly what they've said. So my understanding of what you said is, and then you can clarify, which also gives you time to think about the answer that you'd like to respond with. So overall poise for thought, is taking that little bit of time to think, to understand, and then to respond effectively, and respond with what you really want to say, given some thought. We've all watched movies and see how amazing the the rhetoric is, and movies. But of course, these are lines that are learned. And then we all think, oh, wow, if only I could be that quick. Well, the reality is, very few people are always that quick. In fact, nobody's always that quick. So when we need time, we need to take the time so that we're not always saying to ourselves, ah, if I only thought about this, I'd only thought about that, I would have said this or that. Take the time in the moment to think about what you really want to say. And it doesn't matter. There's no rush. You know, this urge to fill, the space of silence is so strong within all of us. And if we can learn to resist that urge, we will have poise for thought. Thanks very much. And again, please subscribe, follow what ever you would like to do. And any feedback is always welcome. And if there's any topics that you'd like to hear about, please reach out to me, David at mindset and let me know your thoughts. Thank you

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