Dr. John Kenagy is a health care veteran -- a vascular surgeon, health care executive, Clinical Professor at the University of Washington, visiting scholar at Harvard Business School -- and author of “Designed to Adapt: Leading Healthcare in Challenging Times,” which was named Healthcare Management Book of the Year by the American College of Healthcare Executives. Forbes labelled him as the “The Man Who Would Save Healthcare.” 

In this episode, Akshay Birla and Dr. Kenagy dive into the paradoxical nature of health care management and physician workflow, the need for simplicity and consumer-centric programming, and the method of adaptive design to foster innovation and improve patient experience, and what’s missing in the conversation on AI in health care.  

Links (suggested reading) from the conversation:

Melanie Mitchell’s article, “Artificial Intelligence Hits the Barrier of Meaning,” as well as her upcoming book on AI which will be published this fall.

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Guests: Dr. John Kenagy

Hosted By: Akshay Birla 

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