Throughout Tara’s life, she struggled with feelings of unworthiness, never feeling like she fully fit in, coming from a mixed background and being the only girl in a family of five. Growing up, Tara learned to attach her worth to her achievements and based on other external factors. Tara got used to supporting others and being present for others, prioritizing them and it always trumped her own worth and what she kept within her. She desperately looked for love, but the men she attracted didn’t value her worth or treat her with respect. When she started to work in the tech industry, this was only enhanced further, and she found herself believing that she wasn’t worth it and if so, she would have to prove her worth. Tara explains that the theme of not fitting in continued, she didn’t feel that anyone had her back, and because she knew how that made her feel, she didn’t want anyone else to ever feel this way. During her journey and self-discovery, she endured physical and sexual abuse, grief, and loss of loved ones, became gang affiliated, endured even more trauma, suffered a stroke and other curveballs too. Tara reached a point in her life where she wanted to end it all as she felt so misunderstood and felt unsafe. Until she got herself to a place where she started to put the focus back on her, she started to practice forgiving herself, and started to take back control of her life. Her key message to the listeners is that: unworthiness can show up in many ways; allow yourself to be where you need to be; stay with the metamorphosis of life; shed and rebirth; love limitlessly; stay true to your core values; listen to your internal compass and be sure to stand for what you stand for.