We are back with season 2 of Dare, Share, Create - The Podcast with Elisabeth Valentine.

The season will be have more inspiring guests and more bite-sized solo episodes with topics that'll help you Dare to go after your dreams, Share your gifts with the world, and create the life that you want!

Today's topic is all about the benefits of a digital detox. How reducing the constant barrage of inputs, information, noise for a time gives you and your brain the space to be creative, to tune into your inner wisdom, to remember the dreams you might have forgotten etc.

The books I mention in the episode are: Johan Hari - Lost Connections, Dr. Chatterjee's The Stress Solution and Deep Work by Cal Newport

Find me on social media here www.instagram.com/elisabethvalentine_ or here www.linkedin.com/in/elisabethvalentinekristiansen