Have you heard about this secret to success?

Hustle, work your face off, work til you drop. Work until you’re exhausted. Work hard and put in the hours. Then you’ll get rich.

I think there’s some truth to that, but that truly is not the answer. I’ve met too many people who work 10 to 12 hour days and they’re still drowning in debt.

So I’ve got two questions for you if you’re hustling and dreaming of having lots of money.

Number one, are you currently working very, very hard? Are you getting the results that you want? Are you making the kind of money that you want? If the answer’s no, then why not? Why isn’t your success secret working?

Number two, how many people do you know in your life that work very hard, yet they don’t make a lot of money? Think about it…

That secret formula cannot be the answer. It’s just part of the answer. You’ve got to put in the effort and work hard to a degree, but that’s not what’s going to make you rich.

So, what is the answer? What is the truth?

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