Do you know my real name, not Dan Lok, but my actual name? Probably not. Just like most people don’t know the real names of Gene Simmons, Marilyn Monroe, or Jackie Chan.

For example, many, many years ago, when I first got into copywriting, I called myself the Wiz Kid of Copywriting. And the name I was using was Daniel Lok. How many of you know my Chinese name? My Chinese name, don’t laugh, is Ji Fung Lok. Lok is just my last name, my family name, so my full name is Ji Fung Lok. Why don’t I use that name in my personal brand?

Because no one will remember it. And nobody can pronounce it.

You’ve probably had this experience where you meet someone and you can’t pronounce his name, so you just say, “Nice meeting you.” Or you can’t remember the last name and because you met two Toms that day, you can’t remember which Tom was which. Your name is actually part of your personal brand, so if your name is difficult to pronounce, change your name.

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