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In our Psalm of the Month, Psalm 94, we consider the cry of the psalmist, -Who will rise up for me-- --We find his answer - -God, to whom vengeance belongeth-. In the psalm we are exhorted that in an evil day such as ours - we must plead with the God of vengeance to arise for us. --So we would remember, -vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord-. We must sing this psalm, that the Lord would rise up, to bring down wicked men. And we must look to Him alone for it. --In so doing - we can rest in Christ - remembering we ourselves were once objects of God's vengeance, until Christ took God's vengeance on Himself for our sake to make us His inheritance that He is concerned for in our psalm.--Preached Sabbath AM from Psalm 94 on 09-12-21.