Previous Episode: Rejoice not, O Israel!

In our Psalm of the Month, Psalm 87, we are called to praise God for the City of God - which is identified as the Kingdom of God - the Church. To speak glorious words about the Church, the place where men and women of every nation, tribe, and tongue come to experience the new birth. Furthermore, we are exhorted to see that the City of God is meant to be a place of glorious praise to Christ, who will call His elect out of the world, to keep them secure until the Last Day when He shows us that the heavenly census is a perfect duplicate of the Book of Life, demonstrating that, -I kept them in thy name- those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost-. Preached Sabbath AM on 02-07-21.--The glory of the Church is unveiled in...-1. Glorious words.-2. Glorious births.-3. Glorious praise.