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In this chapter of Hosea, we are called to have a sense of urgency in seeking the Lord. Not just for those who must be converted, but also for all of us who must be sanctified, but have been lax in our spiritual duty to cultivate a heart of holiness. Each of us are called to chart out our heart and root out idolatry and unfaithfulness. Not by the flesh, but by the Spirit so that the Lord would gain a fruitful crop of righteousness in our heart. A crop that we are called to wait for in patience and persistence - to seek Him until -'til he come and rain righteousness upon you-. Preached Sabbath PM from Hosea 10 on 02-07-21.--It is time...-1. To know the folly of idolatry.-2. To break your fallow ground.-3. To seek the Lord.