In alot of companies sales and marketing efforts don't align. You ask the marketing team, yes we are getting tons of leads and traffic. You ask the sales team, they have a very different picture of this whole situation. Harvard Business Review, 71% of qualified leads are never followed up with. What’s more is, of the leads that are followed up on, they’re only touched an average of 1.3 times. What is the biggest problem you might be asking?

Companies don’t respond fast enough to leads. In fact, they take 46 hours and 53 minutes to pick up the phone and respond to a lead.

This can be changed!! Increase from 27% to 92% is an increase of 341% lift in results just by responding immediately and persistently to online leads. We worked with one of our clients and here are the results they got...By moving their average response time from 6 days to 1 day, their close rates went from 3.2% to 7.5%.

Here is another interesting data which will surprise you. It's like every additional minute is costing you money....

After 20 hours every additional dial you or your salespeople make actually hurts your ability to make contact to qualify a lead.”


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