📲  Fix Your Second Most Visited Page On Your Website: About Us Page 👨‍💼


It is the second most visited page on service providers website after homepage. If potential customers and clients feel a personal connection to the company's story or founder and an emotional connection to the people behind it, consumers are likely to pursue the conversation further. Great About Us page can make — or even break your website.


Remember to apply this 10 Point Formula –


First Fold (Most important area of about Us Page). In the first fold focus on your buyer persona and the value they get

Company description and Bios - A Story of the Brand (At Least for the management if not whole staff)

Why Us (Why they should choose you over multiple other options out there).

Values & Mission

Visuals (Pictures & Video)

A clear and strong call to action

Contact information

Testimonials and links

Case study data, and other facts that prove your value

Most important: To make your page as engaging as possible.



Some companies and organizations use the page "Why Us" instead of About Us page.


Show Notes