Last Episode #  ➡️ What if you can improve your email response rates by 558%…..and cold calls rates by 209% 🎯  


55% of Companies Take 5+ Days to Respond

Fifty-five is the percentage of companies of the same survey that took 5+ days to respond to leads. Worse yet, of this 55%, 12% didn’t respond at all…

The history of human communication has always been about reducing friction. Humans have always looked for better and faster ways to connect with each other. We evolved from the pony express, to snail mail, to phones, texting, emailing, instant messaging, instagamming, live tweeting….Snapchatting … the list goes on….now it’s all about instant access. 

A recent HBR study analyzed 1.25 millions sales leads, and found you’re seven times more likely to win a deal if you respond to prospects in less than an hour versus responding in two hours.


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