To understand the concept of social proof, you have to consider a scenario where you are in an unfamiliar city and are looking for a good restaurant where you can eat dinner. You come across two restaurants that are located across the street from each other.

One is extremely busy, while the other one is virtually empty. Which one to do you choose? Nearly every time, the busier restaurant will be selected over the empty restaurant. The answer as to why this happens can be explained through the concept of social proof.

Social proof, when used correctly, can be one of the most powerful tools of persuasion because it connects the persuasiveness of the given thought or behavior, directly to the way that others are perceived to respond to it. The brain will naturally lower the perceived risk of engaging in an activity because of the understanding that many people are participating in the idea or event.

This explains why Oprah's book club is so popular, with many of the books ending up on the bestsellers list

Recently, the Ford Motor Company gave away Ford Focus cars to a number of popular YouTube influencers under the assumption that the positive response from those influencers would drive interest in the vehicles.

The promotion worked. The following quarter, sales of Ford Focus went up by 22 percent among 18 to 35-year-old demographics.


Online Reviews

Online reviews are becoming more and more critical in converting prospects into paying customers.

In fact, 74 percent of customers say positive reviews make them trust a company even more.

In order to ensure that online reviews left by customers are positive, you need to ensure that your online presence is in tip-top shape and that your previous customers can easily leave reviews for the products and services they purchased.

You may also want to consider providing existing customers with incentives for leaving positive reviews about their experience. At the bare minimum, you need to have a profile on a variety of different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You also need to ensure that you have a Yelp and My Business page on Google if you have a physical location.

It is imperative that you follow up with all of your customers while their experience with your company is still fresh in their minds. Customers are more likely to respond positively to a request for a review if you strike while the iron is hot.

Most businesses fail to ask for a review giving you the perfect opportunity to take advantage of and create social proof.

Once you start receiving a steady stream of positive reviews, it is crucial that you make sure potential customers have as many opportunities to see them as possible by posting each and every one to your social media accounts.

This will not only keep you generating a steady stream of content, which will keep you in your customers' minds, but it also helps to reinforce the idea of your positive social proof.

Take More Photos

These days, photos are the currency of the Internet. By providing plenty of pictures of happy, real, individuals using your products or services you can significantly improve your social proof. When you can add photos to actual testimonials, you can get an even more significant boost.

So, you will want to either take photos of happy customers yourself, you ask your customers to send you pictures of themselves enjoying the product or service they purchased. Photos will help to visually reinforce the trustworthiness of the review and increase the odds that it will go viral.

Share Relevant Anecdotes

Sharing stories of previously satisfied customers is a simple and effective way to increase sales. In fact, studies have shown that a good story is likely to make a potential customer more empathetic, trusting, and open by literally releasing a chemical in the brain known as oxytocin.

In contrast, breaking down the same story into a series of facts about the product is shown to make the customer quicker to question what is..