David Waldman and Greg Dworkin are back broadcasting from the KITM booth for the 77th annual Victory Day Parade and it sure is a beautiful day today, just not so much for Vladimir Putin, who needed to reach back, way back, to find a victory worth talking about. If you want real heroes and real fireworks, check out Ukraine. OoooohAhhhhhh!

In the US, Pro-Roe mobs roam the streets calligraphing buildings implying to hint at an allusion to proto-violence, causing a few Republicans to reach for their smelling salts and others to reach for their ARs. Clarence Thomas blames your reaction for his decision, and if you didn’t keep voting for a world he disagrees with, he wouldn’t need to vote to invalidate your beliefs. Mitch McConnell ABOSUTELY WILL MAKE A NATIONAL ABORTION BAN HAPPEN AND WILL IMMEDIATELY THROW OUT THE FILIBUSTER TO DO SO.  When government is determined to be against the will of the peopleit is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, don’t you think? Ben Franklin was determined not to be the founding father of too many and published an abortion recipe in his math book. Good to not have to exist in such primitive desperate times!

Billionaire Russian oligarch Alexander Subbotin has reportedly died after an anti-hangover treatment that involved toad poison.

Meghan McCain isn’t smart and annoys people. It really was not smart to annoy Steve Schmidt.

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