David Waldman tosses us into the maw of another weekend, but not without packing us a little KITM to remember him by:

No one is more understanding and forgiving than Republicans. Grace and tolerance have always been conservative hallmarks, but never more so than since their embrace of Donald Trump. Trump does have some “foibles” that might earn him condemnation, ostracization, prosecution, or execution in some other groups, but Republicans still open their arms and welcome him back again and again, and of course Donald returns that love. Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stumbled in his faith... a few times... on tape following January 6, but Donald Trump never gave up on him. An Indiana man is suspected of killing his wife with a gallon flowerpot and dropping her off a bridge just won a Republican primary! Dems would probably have held that against him. Dumbest MF in DC Madison Cawthorn has been implicated in a potential insider trading scheme, and now likely violated House ethics rules with staff pay. Mad’s primary challenger doesn’t plan to mention that stuff, that’s how nice Republicans are.

Everyone else has been pretty mean to Trump lately. A court wringed about half of what Trump stole at his inauguration out of Donald, and outside of not actually attaching any blame for what he did, that sort of is like “making him lose”. New York is fining Trump $10,000 daily, which who knows, he might get around to paying someday.

Trump Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s new book “A Sacred Oath,” doesn’t pertain to any oath Esper made to defend the United States, or else Mark wouldn’t have waited until his book came out to relate how Donald Trump planned to shoot Patriot missiles across the US border into drug labs. Trump thought that a real patriot missile would blow up some Mexicans and sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect him, but Esper and the deep state just wouldn’t allow it.

Democrats can’t keep from saying the “D-word”... I will now give you two links mentioning the word. Do not read them out loud or share them with others. The rules just are not the same for non-Republicans. Few things used to trigger civil war, but that number is multiplying quickly.

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro likes what he has seen in the US these last 6 years and will be try out auditing the country’s voting system following his upcoming loss.

A Texas Army National Guard soldier died while trying to save immigrants from drowning. The Navy is investigating the recent deaths of 7 crewmembers of the USS George Washington.

Darwin H.M., aka @Darwin_Darko, aka the most reasonable man in America, aka KITM’s Black Correspondent, reports that Harvard University noticed it had benefited from the institution of slavery (as pretty much every other institution in the US) and will issue reparations. Darwin wants the recipients to have a say on what form reparations will be presented.

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