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Today, David Waldman and Greg Dworkin confront injustice around the world and in their back yards:

You can’t win a fight if you give up before you start. E.J. Dionne thanks Greg and Sandy Hook families for fighting the unwinnable fight until they won.

Loudoun County Virginia, home of KITM World Headquarters (along with some of the staff and their children) tells public school children to “drop dead”, at least optionally. Students who chose to live can chose to upgrade their masks for extended protection. The rest could consider the increased disability and a lower quality of life for generations, but they probably won’t.

Covid-19 deaths are starting to decline as political pressure on mandates increases. The right-wing, smelling blood/victory, is pumping money into Flu Trux Klan blockades. The problem is, those guys are nuts, which again is a feature, not a bug to the nuts supporting them. Canadian authorities have been pushed to the brink of dispersing leaflets.

Marsha Blackburn dropped her hold on funding over free crack pipes, but now Marco Rubio is wondering why he didn’t get any. Ahmaud Arbery’s killers probably had similar discussions. Turns out that racism doesn’t only kill with bullets.

Most support a binding nuclear deal with Iran, but you don’t always get what you want. What happens to Ukraine really matters to every American, and that’s why President Joe Biden is on the job while his public sleeps.

Boris Johnson explains to the Metropolitan Police that he’s just a party animal.

San Francisco school board members were fired for being lousy school board members. Trump's Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was awful at his job, but also a corrupt, lyinginsufferable martinet. Jared Kushner got his pal Ken Kurson a pardon from dad, but dad couldn’t lift Ken’s state charges. David Eastman, Republican-Insurrectionist, is a lifetime member of a terrorist organization. Shouldn’t that count against him as a representative? 

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