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Today on KITM, David Waldman and Greg Dworkin do what we always expected they would: Chat on a podcast.

A Catholic priest changed just one word in his baptism sacrament, which of course gave God a loophole to bar generations of His parishioners from Heaven. This will probably keep some angel attorneys employed for eternity! Sarah Palin isn’t doing much better, as she too will have to appeal to a higher authority.

You know who can go to Hell, though? Those snowflake authors of anonymous death-threats to school board members over race, gender, and mask policies, along with the Republicans propping them up. Art Spiegelman isn’t telling your children to not read Maus, but he never intended them to read such a “very not-Christian book” either.

Should mask mandates end?  Yes, when it is safe to lift them. This sort of thing makes sense to rational intelligent people. The rest flock to the hard-right, who are always happy to weaponize the weak-minded against the poorly defended. Hackers have discovered Ottawa truck caravans got most of their funding from the US. The tyrannical Canadian government has started ticketing the illegally parked, but the regular public might have discovered more effective means of persuasion, eh?

A good guy with a gun waited until he was safe before standing his ground and killing a 9-year-old girl bystander.

Russia says they’re pulling away from Ukraine, but strangely, no one observing them agrees. Would the Russians… lie to us? They’d never do that, not with the whole world watching!

Similarly, Republicans are finding their faith in Donald Trump took a small hit once they saw his accounting firm hightailing it away. Joe Biden wants to see Donald’s visitor logs, and Joe is the chief executive, so he does have that privilege.

Steve Bannon’s old pal, fugitive Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui, just isn’t the billionaire he once was, if he ever was.

Senate Republicans could potentially block all of Biden’s nominees. Democrats could potentially prevent that, but that would require changing rules and norms, which is just so untoward.

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