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David Waldman wishes you all a Happy Valentine’s Day today! Ol’ Val could be Eastern Orthodox, maybe.

Donald Trump’s own accounting firm tells him “You’re fired!” after determining that Trump’s been a lying conman for a decade or so.

The Canadian COVID caravan might have been left chafed by the Ram Ranchers, but what really makes those truckers sore is having to hold their freedom circus in jail cells.

The federal judge on Sarah Palin’s lawsuit against The New York Times doesn’t need a jury to tell him that Sarah didn’t have a case.

Josh Hawley is selling his 1/6 fist-pump as a mug. Does Mike Pence’s gallows appear when hot coffee is added?

Joan McCarter is a little under the weather but completely on the show today. Joan has a sinus infection, not COVID, and not worms, so she isn’t pestering her local compound pharmacy for ivermectin, nor lobbying Congress to feed it to others. What really makes Joan sick is hearing Democrats continuing to yammer about “bipartisanship”. Dems are ready to fund the government and save the postal service, both popular measures held up by a bipartisan assholes Rick Scott, Marsha Blackburn… and Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.  Time for yet another short-term fix.

Meanwhile, the Fox News septic tank has backed up again, causing everyone to roll up their pantlegs and figure things out. John Durham didn’t charge anyone with anything, which Trumpworld takes to mean “hang them all”.

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