Hi there,

It’s Gillian O’Dowd here from https://DailyKetoMeals.com.

You’ll learn why counting calories is dumb. I’ve got a great tip for you today. As you know, different Keto experts, give slightly different perspectives on the diet and how to do it.

I watched an eye-opening video online today by an MD called Ken Berry…

…and he had a paradigm shifting idea that you might want to try:

Don’t count calories.

He states, “The human body doesn’t count calories. It doesn’t take that into consideration. Protein carbs and fats all go down different metabolic pathways in your body.”
Basically, he’s saying that you don’t have a calorie problem, but rather, you might have a hormone problem like cortisol thyroid or something else.

There was a big Women’s Health Initiative Study done in 2006 that backs up his claim. During the study, on average, women’s calorie intake was reduced from 1788 to 1446 per day. At first, women lost weight initially, however, within 12 months they regained most or all of the weight. When you restrict your carbs, you keep your insulin levels low and healthy and that right there is the key to weight loss.

Don’t count calories, count carbs. Stay under 20 grams of carbs per day. Use that as your bench mark. Plus it’s much easier to manage than counting ALL your calories.

Try this tip for and see if it works for you. If you enjoyed this tip and want more keto and weight loss strategies, then go to https://DailyKetoMeals.com