Hi there,

It's Gillian O’Dowd here from https://DailyKetoMeals.com.

You’ll learn the one thing you should never, ever do on Keto. Many people go on the keto diet, lose 10-15 pounds in 2-3 weeks and go back to their normal lifestyle… or they hit a stall and wonder why the weight loss slows down.

I have news for you. According to Dr. Berry, your initial weight loss is water. Water weight that you’ve carried around for a long time… finally flushed away. My tip for today?

Don’t rest on your early success! In other words, don’t get excited by your initial weight loss. That’s just the beginning. It’s week 3-6 where you’ll really start to see amazing changes. More energy, glowing skin and more fat loss.

If you enjoyed this tip and want more keto and weight loss strategies, then go to https://DailyKetoMeals.com