Hi Everyone,

It's Gillian here from https://DailyKetoMeals.com.

And in this video, you’ll learn the big keto exercise mistake.

There’s a big mistake people make when they exercise.

Doesn’t matter if they walk, run, cycle or swim, many are still guilty of this!

What is it?

They reward themselves with sugary treats because they feel like they’ve been “good.”

Bad idea!

A small bit of exercise doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want.

Listen to this:

According to Harvard Medical School, if you jog at a moderate pace for 30 mins, you burn between 298 - 355 calories.

A piece of cheese cake has 401 calories

Two pieces of pepperoni pizza comes in at 600 calories.

And a bag of Doritos has over 800 calories

And when you consider that most men and women only need between 2000 - 2500 calories per day, that’s huge!

So here’s the tip:

After you exercise, eat a healthy meal.

You’ll only lose weight faster and become the person you want to become sooner.

If you enjoyed this tip and want more keto and weight loss strategies, then go to DailyKetoMeals.com