Hi there,

It’s Gillian here from https://DailyKetoMeals.com.

Today, you’ll discover a big mistake that keto dieters make. Here’s the thing: To lose weight on keto, you need to burn more calories than you consume. However, some people take this to the extreme and this actually leads to weight gain.

Let me explain:
Generally speaking, you want to cut 500 calories from what the normal person for your age, weight and height eats. This leads to burning fat and losing weight consistently. But some people cut 1000 calories and this has the opposite effect. This drastic cut triggers a starvation mode in your body and then your body sheds muscle mass, rather than fat. With less muscle this means you metabolize food slower. The result? When you stop dieting, you pack on MORE weight than before. This is a disastrous situation.

So here’s the tip:
Cut calories, but not too much. This should help you enjoy great results without feeling deprived or hungry.

If you enjoyed this tip and want more keto and weight loss strategies, then go to https://DailyKetoMeals.com