Welcome to the Hundred and Second episode of Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Barry Dov Katz looks at Masechet Shabbat Daf 103. Over the last few days, we explored the Shabbat prohibitions of transferring objects from one domain to another and building. Today we look at writing, another category of prohibited work. Among […]

Welcome to the Hundred and Second episode of Daily Daf Differently. In this episode, Rabbi Barry Dov Katz looks at Masechet Shabbat Daf 103. Over the last few days, we explored the Shabbat prohibitions of transferring objects from one domain to another and building. Today we look at writing, another category of prohibited work. Among other questions, the Mishna and Gemara want to know how much writing is enough to make someone liable. We focus on the breakout section where the Gemara discusses the laws of safrut, holy calligraphy.

Barry Dov Katz is the rabbi of the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale in the Bronx. He is a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary and serves an adjunct faculty member at JTS mentoring rabbinical students.

The opening and closing music for this podcast is Ufros from The Epichorus album One Bead.