Please note: We partnered with GSK for their Take 5 meningitis campaign for this episode, but my thoughts are my own.) 

My kids are getting older and as they get closer to their college years I want to make sure that they are covered when it comes to vaccines to keep them healthy when they leave our home. As mentioned, vaccines are important, and staying up to date on vaccinations is critical. However, as I found out recently, you may not know about all vaccines that your kids should have and that includes getting both sets of shots for meningitis.

Take 5 For Meningitis

The Take 5 for Meningitis campaign is a campaign that GSK has started that aims to make sure that all parents are aware of the reality of meningitis and the importance of vaccination. I mean, did you know that adolescents and young adults have higher rates of meningitis due to close contact with each other, sharing drinks or eating utensils, coughing or kissing? While meningococcal disease is uncommon, studies have shown that between 2014-2017, the relative risk of contracting Meningitis B was 3.5 to 5 times higher in college students aged 18-24 years compared with peers not attending college.

Today we partnered with our friend Christine Koh from the Edit Your Life podcast who recently interviewed Dr. Len Friedland who is a dad, pediatrician, and research scientist, and serves as Vice President, Director of Scientific Affairs and Public Health, for GSK Vaccines.

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