"Leadership is the art of disappointing people at a rate they can stand". I hated my boss, I thought he was an a$$hole. I couldn’t afford to quit, I had an addiction to working electricity and a roof over my head. So I did next best thing, I left at exactly 5pm every day to register my protest. There are many things about those days working with him that stuck with me, he loved quotes - some of them were more confusing than profound but they all had one theme - leadership is about getting people outside of their comfort zone. It’s been over 10 years and that theme stuck with me and has influenced me greatly on my own leadership journey. I invited a few people to my podcast to discuss leadership, but I didn’t want to discuss the cuddly, nurturing part of leading but the uncomfortable parts of leadership. Our guest today is Amayea Maat (a leader in contact center space). I am not sure she knew what she was agreeing to but within 2 minutes I asked her about the worst leadership moment of her career, we discussed what leadership without fear looks like. My favorite moment was asking her to tell me the moments in her leadership career where her actions were so against the grain she thought she have been fired.