If you’re trying to (re)build the culture in your company and your efforts don’t seem to be working, it’s likely because you’re missing this one thing;
Being Intentional.

This episode will help you become more intentional with your culture building by reverse engineering your efforts. This will allow you be more strategic and most importantly, get results.

What does intentional mean?
Oxford Dictionaries: done on purpose; deliberate (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/us/intentional).
Merriam Webster: one by intention or design (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/intentional).

How to be intentional with culture building:
1.Identify what results you want and why.
2.Observe and identify what’s stopping you from seeing the results currently.
3.Strategize how to get those results.
4.List & plan each intentional action to reach your culture building goals.
5.Make your actions intentional and a priority.

Download your Intentional Culture Building Worksheet here: www.baproinc.com/ncn17

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The New Culture Norm Podcast: Taking Workplace Culture to the Next Level!

| Company Culture | Organizational Culture | Culture Building | Professionalism | Influence | Effective Leadership |

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