Here’s your challenge for the week. Answer the following question:
If your company culture was an actual person, how would you describe it?

This episode is meant for you to be very reflective about your company culture. As you listen to this episode, think about the questions mentioned and write down your answers. This is a challenge to help you shift your current mindset and perspective about company culture from a task or an objective to an actual living being that impacts your company and employees.

The How to Detect Workplace Culture Workbook was designed to help leaders and managers assess current conditions of workplace culture. You can grab your free workbook by going to this link:

To understand why it’s important to know your current company culture, check out this blog post:

Let’s continue the conversation about this episode on Twitter: Use #NCN16.

Highlights from this episode can be found at
Questions about this episode? Topic suggestions for future episodes? Please send them to: [email protected]

The New Culture Norm Podcast: Taking Workplace Culture to the Next Level!

| Company Culture | Organizational Culture | Culture Building | Professionalism | Influence | Effective Leadership |

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