The ABC principles of introducing culture change in your company will help you align the expectations of your staff with the overall goal(s) you want to reach. It also opens the floor for you to get necessary feedback from your employees so you know exactly where they stand, what they need, and how to encourage them along the way.

The ABCs mentioned in this episode stand for:
A: Approach
B: Be open
C: Consistent

The ABCs should take place after you've determined the desired direction of your culture, and outlined/documented performance standards.

Note that people resist change all the time. That's expected and in most cases, it's inevitable. You can’t control whether people resist change... But you can control your approach and how you plan & introduce change to them.
People sense desperation and hidden agendas. Be strategic with your efforts, yet authentic with your intentions.

Check out episode 17 for steps on How to be Intentional with Culture Building:

Highlights from this episode can be found at

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The New Culture Norm Podcast: Taking Workplace Culture to the Next Level!
| Company Culture | Organizational Culture | Culture Building | Professionalism | Influence | Effective Leadership |