Tired of websites looking the same? So are we! Hosts Lea and Emily discuss how signature design style benefits designers and their clients. We weigh in on the pros and cons, how to find a signature design style and apply it, as well as how other phases of a project cycle is affected by a design style. Lea also shares some resources to help designers create their own signature design style.
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Show Notes:
Designers! You Should have a Signature Style! Can You Justify Design? Art of Self-Branding Bauhaus Art Nouveau Helvetica Design is History Art History Basics Gothic Architecture Post modernism Design 101: International Style 7 Steps to Developing Originality in Your Design and Illustration Work 10 Tips on Developing Your Own Style NHS: Developing a Design Style How to Develop Your Style According to DVF, Rachel Zoe, and More The Cajun Crawfish Geraldine's Counter Leave us a review on iTunes Review our show on Stitcher

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