Croncast - 2006-11-05.mp3
Show: #295
Length: 22:32
Size: 15.4mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris November 05, 2006

Keep on leaving the comments
Comments even about the dairysnake
Betsy says it is time to return the dairysnake to QVC
Women in depends trying on elastic pants and deciding it's not roomy enough and the QVC customer service
"I bet the QVC return warehouse smells like old people. I love QVC don't get me wrong."
Zeus is upset that the dairsysnake is going back
No Falcon Bird . . . TailorByrd, baby
Did I get it right
Paisley pearl snap TailorByrd
It might be athletic fit but you'll have to girdle it in
Golden paisley pearl snap for the man now
Unless Kohls super Saturday is the trend . . .
You better drink your stupid soda
It's not a middle of winter shirt
Easter egg puffy cuff in other colors
The closeout TailorByrd shirts . . . very of the moment
They are like the 70's zip up boot
Your dad was pretty styling I'm sure
Wrinkle cream at 29
I know, I know, I know Kris
Could have gotten the merchandise credit but opted for cash back on your card
Maybe QVC will start selling carpet soon
Oh, my god. The dog ate his leash again
Kris is dog agnostic
Booba wants a running suit with a small amount of leopard print
Betsy's friend said nothing
Aluminum foil in with the hamsters
They didn't make it
Betsy is clairvoyant and reads my mind
I buried him in a box that I made in bible school
Everyone's going to bible school
Kris tells the dog to go away very calmly
What is that smell?
He peed on me
Can't start off by saying "scam"
The loose smelly dog
Betsy calls it my bad dog karma
Next show . . . when Kris was bitten by a dog

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