Croncast - 2006-11-04.mp3
Show: #294
Length: 23:26
Size: 16.1mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris November 04, 2006

Hey a Saturday show? Say what!!??!! It is true . . . we gotta make this 300 thing real and on time so we are cranking out some extra shows to make sure we hold up our end of the contest.There's not much that I can do for show notes tonight 'cause I been down her in the basement all day writing code. What I can remember before hearing the show again is that:
Betsy wants to get me new choppers
Betsy's crushing Empire experience continues thanks to listener comments
The rotting roof and skylight
Getting potty trained
The countdown to Thanksgiving
My TailorByrd shirts
Be prepared tomorrow for a dairysnake update

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