Croncast - 2006-11-03.mp3
Show: #293
Length: 25:37
Size: 17.6mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris November 03, 2006

The puffy cuff fashion show is a reality
Betsy does up her QVC and I bust out my TailorByrd shirts (aka the ultimate puffy cuff shirts)
Kris's beard is outta control and Betsy didn't tell me
Betsy mistakes pun and analogy
She blames the cleaning product fumes
Zout has alcohol in it?
"Mixing Comet and Mr. Clean like the best drugs I've ever done. Except my toddler wasn't there and I wasn't in a bathroom"
Before the Bear's fashion parade Betsy talks about her dream come true and how it was crushed
Kris wouldn't know this because he didn't grow up in civilization
The greatest carpet company in the world
Hanging out in the breezeway watching Three's Company waiting for the commercial
Booba gets excited and then quite
Kris crushes her dreams twice
Some how you show in all of my dreams
Who is on the other line?
A sweet woman named Florine or Lorretta
She is a carpet warehouse in Cicero . . . not Bombay
Did she pick a great American movie star name?
Why didn't she sing the jingle before she hung up?
It's like waiting for the cable company
"Carpet the next day"
I'll be sitting on urine soaked carpet for Christmas
Ed is not the blue collar, named stiyched on his chest and no mustache like the guy in the commercials
Empire guys dolls in the Goodwill hamper
Betsy wants hotel carpet
"I want carpet that makes me feel lucky"
Everyone has boring carpet
One color carpet cut to different lengths
It's not like a swimming pool you retard
Yes, hotel carpet Betsy
I can make this carpet with my clippers
Why $.88 paper backed carpet isn't Betsy
Betsy is trying really hard to sell me on new carpet
I don't care about Ed from Empire or his carpet or his Escort full of samples
It is a syllogistic loop with Betsy's carpetdom
Simply fix the garage door opener for drama
10 minutes of Ed . . . You wish you got 10 minutes of Ed

Here Comes Puffy Cuffs in his TailorByrd threads:

Full blown Puffy Cuff with contrasting bling

The multicolor puffy cuff and Betsy's photo goal. It's too cold to puffy in Chicago now

Betsy says that I would like Oswald Boateng get up
Very anti-climactic fashion parade
You used to be happy with the orange tag items from the Target end cap
Just because it was on sale?
Ben Witt sends his thanks . . . You're welcome Ben
Ben was around B.B. (before Betsy . . . that's Ben's abbreviation)
Betsy gets no more cleaning products . . . she can't add and there are five examples in 1 minute
Kris gets called the ageist
I put this ageism on Betsy
Betsy's first stalker
Many more show in the next couple of days!

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