Croncast - 2006-11-01.mp3
Show: #292
Length: 29:12
Size: 20.0 mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris November 01, 2006

Super short show notes. It was a slow day in the Croncast world so we tried something new on the show. Not quite sure how it turned out. I'm not sure we'll be doing it again.The thing? What we did? We addressed comments of late regarding some of the things we've said and done. Topics like age (you know we are only kidding!) and Betsy's QVC fashion show.Think of this show as a anomaly in the Croncast world as we also address naming the show 'Croncast' and why Palegroove.We answer many questions that people have had about the show and our lives that we rarely speak to.

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