Croncast - 2006-10-30.mp3
Show: #291
Length: 39:32
Size: 27.1 mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris October 30, 2006

Think about this . . . it is your right to leave us a comment
Regular Spam vs. regular email vs. the Russian insane spam
How do you run a filter on Russian spam?
Betsy says to find a translator to fix it
Do you read them right to left, left to right
Friday was big doin's all around
New listener winner: Adam Martin
Handle winner: Melanie Sullivan
Congratulations guys!
We're still giving away 2 more video iPods on the 300th show check out the contest stuff
The initial 300th winner wasn't the real 300th
Melanie and her husband had a plan and pulled it out
Someone asked how many of these people are sticking around?
The number is 219 for return RSS users . . . so over 2/3'rds are hanging out
So other big Friday news . . . it was my last day my job
Start a new gig today while you're reading this
Big Friday doin's continued
Never mentioned much about the old job won't mention much about this one
Betsy is all happy about it
Betsy decides that she never wants to work again
She's become complaisant and even more hard headed
Basically she is going to retire at 30
Overwhelmed by her daily life and that is enough for ever
Kris when you turned 31 did that happen to you?
The floor cleaning guy story . . . I might have told this before
Shopping with Kris
Daddy really wanted the best for you but momma wanted you to match her QVC
Kris has a negative aura
They just walked away from the register
People look at me at get pissed
I'm so sick of hearing how mean the world is to Kris
Lifters in groups and Betsy's got her eye on them
When I did retail up the employees ran elaborate scams
Was it the party or was it the people
Halloween party for adults . . . we were gonna be Dog the Bounty Hunter and wife
No bare chested Kris this year
Betsy loves to dress herself funny
Trying to make a ham slice last 3 days

1) Fill out the appropriate form for you - *New* Listener or Get a Handle
(current listener)
2) Verify your email address (Activates and qualifies those with a "Handle")
3) *New* listeners get activated and qualified by using their special RSS feed
4) 300th new listener and the person whose Handle they use win iPods AND
5) A drawing for 2 more iPods from everyone who entered!