Croncast - 2006-11-06.mp3
Show: #296
Length: 36:49
Size: 25.3mb
Format: mp3
Betsy and her husband Kris November 06, 2006

Keep on leaving those comments
Betsy give Kris a nod for kicking up the family situation today
The dairysnake return
At Google . . . we're the only dairysnake! We own it, for now
With Bears gone Booba thinks about how she can just hang
However she just ends up painting some spots in the basement
Putting in a family room and a toddler playroom
Kris finds it funny because nearly 1 year ago he recommended all of this
Kris you gets no wall . . . but maybe now it is ok
Ikea office in a closet kit
Remodeling is priority numero uno
Operating so long at a high level of stress
Once one thing is removed and the level lowers we seem to fill it back up
Homeostasis of stress levels
Interrupted by phone and someone from 408 area code
Betsy's pile of eBay stuff right next to my seat (see photo above)
She tries to redirect the conversation
Weekend of code . . . let me in
"I shouldn't complain about your eBay stuff anymore because I enable you"
For years, get rid of the crap
Resale Queen complaints
Come on I need some drama
Are you saying that I should be a 3 a.m. scam
That would be like Kris talking about running shoes from 1996
This isn't keeping up this the scene it is dairysnake pack rat
"How did this happen"
Er, I know let Kris answer this
Lying about the Santa Claus guy
Movie trailers that might give it away
Is Christmas different for those of you who don't live where it snows?
Betsy stumps for the group home kids
She wins (doesn't really need to win I would have done it anyway) the iPod gifts
Betsy starts to cry
My iPod was stolen by TSA or ground crew (thanks for the we searched your bag some stuff may be missing leaflet on the bottom of my bag)
One lone ear hear at a time
Is it wrong to gift an ear nose trimmer?
Would you take that personally
Betsy's bad ear
"I'll buy all this grass if sell it to me for 75% off, and load it into my Volvo"
Buying the dead grass in November for summer planting . . . bad idea
We'll be back tomorrow

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