Join us as we delve into the remarkable benefits of magnesium and uncover its underestimated power in your body with renowned expert Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND. Magnesium, estimated to facilitate over 1000 bodily processes, is a critical element often overlooked in discussions about health and wellness.

In this inspiring podcast, we explore the latest research, personal anecdotes, and Dr. Dean's expert insights on magnesium's vital role in your health and well-being. From optimizing muscle function and heart health to fueling energy production and beyond, magnesium is truly a powerhouse nutrient.

Don't miss this essential conversation that will change everything about how you view magnesium and its impact on your health.

More About Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND

Back in 2004, Dr. Dean became a best-selling author when she wrote, The Magnesium Miracle® which is one of the most highly referenced publications on magnesium by both health care practitioners and consumers alike.

She’s never looked back, since, devoting her career to developing research and innovative formulations around magnesium to support health at every stage.

You’ll love Dr. Dean's holistic approach, where she believes in the body's innate ability to heal when given proper support. We know you’ll learn so much from her today!

You can try her range of magnesium and health supplements at

Use the code SHECHANGES for 10% off your purchase. 

You’ll save money and you’ll also be supporting the podcast. 

Remember, your health journey is unique to you! Embrace the support available to you, and you can make positive changes that truly change everything.




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