Critical Alpha, Critical Angle of Attack, is the angle at which you start to produce lift. Yes, this is an analogy taken from Aviation. It’s not about ‘being alpha’, if you’ve read into this like that - you’ve got us all wrong.


Critical Alpha is about helping you adjust your angle of attack, whether it be in sport, business, or life, so that you can outperform and win!


Let’s just step through what adjusting your angle of attack looks like. Because, well if you don’t know you’re on the wrong angle, you will just continue on the same path - without truly achieving the right angle of attack so that you can achieve lift.


See this is how Critical Alpha works. It’s a muscle - and the more you use it, the stronger it gets. You start to sense what’s ahead of the curve. In aviation, you have to fly ahead of the aircraft, and visualise where you’ll be long before you get there.


Wherever you are right now, you’ve moving in A DIRECTION. You need to figure out where you’ll be in 3-6 months, and ask the question now - is that where you want to be? if not - what has to change now, so that I don’t land in that position in 3-6 months? because where you are now is a direct result of your decision making from 6 months, 12 months, previous to now.


Critical Alpha guys - its a culmination of the best of the best training from Aviation and Crew Resource Management, taken from the Fighter Pilots Edge - and provided to you. We are bringing this cutting edge training, mentality, and way of life - to you, so that you can think like a fighter pilot, and live life on the edge where you are in control of your craft.


Make the decision now - go over to our website to find out how you can adjust your angle of attack to out perform and win.